The Darwen Art Society Winter Exhibition
Darwen Market are hosting their first joint exhibition with The Darwen Arts Society.
The Winter Exhibition is a wonderful collection of art works by the artist in the society, made in a range of media. The artwork will go on display in the Market Gallery space and will be available for purchase via Percival Pictures. Why not have a look at the artwork for a special Christmas present?
The Winter Exhibition will run until January 2023 and is open during Market opening hours.
Mon, Wed – Fri: 8:30am – 5:00pm
Sat: 8:00am – 4:00pm
NB: Artwork purchased can be taken before the end of the exhibition if needed. Any artwork with a sticker next to it will mean it has been purchased but remains in the exhibition.
More information about Darwen Art Society can be found here: https://darwenartsociety.co.uk/