Blackburn with Darwen Carers Service is a small local charity with the aim of supporting unpaid carers in their efforts to look after a family member, friend or neighbour who requires assistance on a day to day basis to manage their needs. This work often impacts the carers own mental health, employment and access to support which is why the service is fundamental to carers.
BwD Carers Service provides support in many ways including 1-1 intensive support, group support, financial advice and help with legal issues such as Power of Attorney.
On Friday 20th September 2019, BwD Carers Service will be celebrating by hosting a Crystal celebration event, which recognises 15 wonderful years of supporting unpaid carers within Blackburn with Darwen. The event will be a wonderful time to celebrate and reflect on all that has been achieved, but they also want to raise some much needed funds.
They are looking for businesses to sponsor tables of 10 for £350 or a table of 5 for £175, so that carers can have the opportunity to have a full night of fun and respite from their caring role without a financial implication. Alternatively get together with your friends or colleagues and attend the event yourself for £40pp at Mytton Fold Hotel.
To find out more and support the charity call 01254 688440.